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Category: Miscellaneous

#59: to draw in form caption
How can I draw in the form caption?

#64: to draw a chart
How can I draw a chart on own canvas?

#72: to change a line type in drawing
How can I change a line type for drawing?

#76: to change a button in OpenDialog/SaveDialog
How can I change a button caption in OpenDialog/SaveDialog?

#77: to get a mouse position
How can I get a mouse position?

#96: to hide an application from TaskBar
How can I hide an application from Windows TaskBar?

#97: to hide/show the Start button from Windows TaskBar
How can I hide/show the Start button from Windows TaskBar?

#99: to works with bits
How can I works with bits?

#112: to press a mouse button from code
How can I press a mouse button from code?

#130: to use a procedure from dll in the Delphi code
How can I use a procedure from dll in the Delphi?

#134: daylight saving time
How read the daylight saving time?

#135: to filter a mouse and keyboard
How can I filter a mouse and keyboard?

See also
DBExport tools
Paradox to Text converter
Fast Document Viewer
Mail parser (ActiveX)
Paradox Password Recovery
Database Information Manager
Paradox Viewer
DBISAM Password Recovery

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