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#97: How can I hide/show the Start button from Windows TaskBar? |
If you needs to hide/show the Start button from Windows Taskbar, you can use the next procedure: procedure HideShowStartButton(boolVisible: Boolean); var Tray, Child: hWnd; C: array[0..127] of Char; S: string; begin Tray := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil); Child := GetWindow(Tray, GW_CHILD); while Child <> 0 do begin if GetClassName(Child, C, SizeOf(C)) > 0 then begin S := StrPas(C); if UpperCase(S) = 'BUTTON' then begin startbutton_handle := child; ShowWindow(Child, Integer(boolVisible)) end; end; Child := GetWindow(Child, GW_HWNDNEXT); end; end;
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