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#164: How can I display week numbers in TDateTimePicker? |
Standard TDateTimePicker component allow to display the week numbers in dropdowned panel (where calendar displayed with navigator). For some reason (maybe forgot) the Borland didn't publish this feature and today I want to demonstrate how you may activate this feature. All what you need is to use the next code in OnDropDown event: procedure TForm1.DateTimePicker1DropDown(Sender: TObject); const MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH = MCM_FIRST + 21; var Style: LongInt; hDTP: THandle; r: TRect; intTodayWidth: Integer; begin {to get a handle of calendar} hDTP := DateTime_GetMonthCal(DateTimePicker1.Handle); {change a style} Style := GetWindowLong(hDTP, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong(hDTP, GWL_STYLE, Style or MCS_WEEKNUMBERS); {now we must change the width for calendar because week numbers shifted all strings} {1. to get the required rect } r := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); SendMessage(hDTP, MCM_GETMINREQRECT, 0, Longint(@r)); {2. to get the maximum width of the "today" string} intTodayWidth := SendMessage(hDTP, MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH, 0, 0); {3. adjust rect width to fit the "today" string } if intTodayWidth > r.Right then r.Right := intTodayWidth; {4. to set new the height and width } SetWindowPos(hDTP, 0, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOZORDER); end; As you see, I include the MCS_WEEKNUMBERS style. It's easy and I hope will be useful for your end-users.
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