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#122: How can I change a creation date/time for some file on disk? |
Today I want to show how you can change a datetime of file creation from own application: function SetDateToFile(const FileName: string; Value: TDateTime): Boolean; var hFile: THandle; begin Result := False; try {open a file handle} hFile := FileOpen(FileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone); {if opened succesfully} if (hFile > 0) then {convert a datetime into DOS format and set a date} Result := (FileSetDate(hFile, DateTimeToFileDate(Value)) = 0) finally {close an opened file handle} FileClose(hFile); end; end; To use: This code can be useful in case of application protection - you can store in creation date of some your file a same important value. For example, version of application or date of first start for your trial.
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