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#116: How can I download a file from internet using sockets? |
Sometime ago I posted a code sample for file downloading using WinInet.dll API of MS Internet Explorer). Today I want to post a tip for file downloading using sockets. Using sockets you can download any file from any site and no matter which browser type was used in MS Windows - Explorer, Netscape, Opera etc The DownloadFile procedure (view below) can be used in any your project - just call with defined parameters: procedure DownloadFile(strHost, strRemoteFileName, strLocalFileName: string; ClientSocket: TClientSocket); var intReturnCode: Integer; s: string; szBuffer: array[0..128] of Char; FileOut: TFileStream; begin if strRemoteFileName[1] <> '/' then strRemoteFileName := '/' + strRemoteFileName; FileOut := TFileStream.Create(strLocalFileName, fmCreate); try with ClientSocket do begin Host := strHost; ClientType := ctBlocking; Port := 80; try Open; {send query} s := 'GET ' + strRemoteFileName + ' HTTP/1.0'#13#10 + 'Host: ' + strHost + #13#10#13#10; intReturnCode := Socket.SendBuf(Pointer(s)^, Length(s)); if intReturnCode > 0 then begin {receive the answer} { iterate until no more data } while (intReturnCode > 0) do begin { clear buffer before each iteration } FillChar(szBuffer, SizeOf(szBuffer), 0); { try to receive some data } intReturnCode := Socket.ReceiveBuf(szBuffer, SizeOf(szBuffer)); { if received a some data, then add this data to the result string } if intReturnCode > 0 then FileOut.Write(szBuffer, intReturnCode); end end else MessageDlg('No answer from server', mtError, [mbOk], 0); Close; except MessageDlg('No connection', mtError, [mbOk], 0); end; end; finally FileOut.Free end; end; To execute this procedure: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin DownloadFile('', '/forums.htm', 'd:\forums.htm', ClientSocket1); end; PS: the last parameter is ClientSocket component which you must drop on form from component pallete or create in run-time.
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