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#108: How can I generate the script for table creation? |
As you know in DIM: Database Information Manager I realized the few typical autogenerated scripts. For example, for some dataset to generate a standard SELECT-statement or INSERT-statement. Today I want to post a sample code which allows to generate the CREATE TABLE-stetement.
function GetCreateTable(Dataset: TDataSet): TStrings; var i: Integer; str: string; begin Result := TStringList.Create; try for i := 0 to DataSet.FieldCount-1 do begin with DataSet.Fields[i] do begin str := ' ' + DataSet.Fields[i].FieldName + ' ' + GetFieldTypeName(DataType); if DataType = ftString then str := str + '(' + IntToStr(Size) + ')'; if Required then str := str + ' NOT'; str := str + ' NULL'; end; if (i <> DataSet.FieldCount-1) then str := str + ','; Result.Add(str); end; except Result.Free; Result := nil; end; end; where GetFieldTypeName is function GetFieldTypeName(AType: TFieldType): string; const FieldTypes: array [TFieldType] of PChar = ('?Unknown?', 'Char', 'Smallint', 'Integer', 'Word', 'Boolean', 'Float', 'Currency', 'BCD', 'Date', 'Time', 'DateTime', 'Bytes', 'VarBytes', 'AutoInc', 'Blob', 'Memo', 'Graphic', 'Blob', 'Blob', 'Blob', 'Blob', 'Cursor', 'FixedChar', 'WideString', 'Largeint', 'ADT', 'Array', 'Reference', 'DataSet', 'OraBlob', 'OraClob', 'Variant', 'Interface', 'IDispatch', 'Guid' ); begin if AType < Low(FieldTypes) then AType := Low(FieldTypes) else if AType > High(FieldTypes) then AType := Low(FieldTypes); Result := UpperCase(StrPas(FieldTypes[AType])); end; Few important notes: 1. this code uses the Delphi 5/C++Builder 5 declaration of TFieldType type. If you use the other version, you must change the declaration of FieldTypes array 2. syntax of CREATE TABLE-statement depends from database type. So you must modify it for own needs. You must do it in values of FieldTypes array items. For example, client-server databases haven't in-build logical type, so you must declare that CHAR(1) is boolean. Or to use the MONEY syntax for Currency fields in MS SQL.
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