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#107: How can I add a custom control in standard dialog? |
Today I found a good example how we can add a some control in standard MessageDialog. For example, we have a some dialog for confirmation but user can check a checkbox (Don't show this message again) and in the next time this dialog will not show. The idea of realization in the next: View a source: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var AMsgDialog: TForm; ACheckBox: TCheckBox; begin AMsgDialog := CreateMessageDialog('This is a test message.', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo]); ACheckBox := TCheckBox.Create(AMsgDialog); with AMsgDialog do try Caption := 'Dialog Title' ; Height := 169; with ACheckBox do begin Parent := AMsgDialog; Caption := 'Don''t show me again.'; Top := 121; Left := 8; end; if (ShowModal = ID_YES) then begin if ACheckBox.Checked then begin //... end; //... some additional processing end; finally ACheckBox.Free; Free; end; end;
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