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#106: How can I read a path of system folder? |
Just now in delphi-programming I posted a code which allows to recieve a path to some system folder (StartUp, Recent Files etc). As you know, the path can be different on other computers (depends from operationg system, localization, user profile and user settings). This code allows to read a current value: uses ShlObj, ActiveX; function GetSystemPath(Folder: Integer): string; var PIDL: PItemIDList; Path: LPSTR; AMalloc: IMalloc; begin Path := StrAlloc(MAX_PATH); SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, Folder, PIDL); if SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, Path) then Result := Path; SHGetMalloc(AMalloc); AMalloc.Free(PIDL); StrDispose(Path); end; Now you can call this function with different parameters. For
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