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#85: How can I save/load the glyphs to/from external file? |
In some small programms sometimes very useful to store a glyphs in some external file and in run-time to load these glyphs in own TImageList. Also if the user can change the images, then in application closing you can save the TImageList contents into this external file. For example, now I develop the small aplication for password keeper but I don't want to have the any database engine (BDE, ADO etc). I use the own file format for password storing. Each password record have the category field. For example, the Provider login, Bank secure code, Credit Card PIN, Serial Number of application etc Of course, very useful to assign the some glyph to each category and show this glyph in password list instead full category name. I use the next code: procedure SaveGlyphs(FileName: string; lstImages: TImageList); begin with TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive) do try WriteComponent(lstImages); finally Free; end; end; The similar code you can use for glyphs loading: procedure ReadGlyphs(FileName: string; lstImages: TImageList); begin with TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead) do try ReadComponent(lstImages); finally Free; end; end;
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