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#71: How can I read the environment string?

If you need read the environemnt strings, you must call the 2 API functions:
GetEnvironemtnStrings and FreeEnvironmentStrings:

  Env1, Env2: PChar;
  lstStrings: TStrings;
  lstStrings := TStringList.Create;
  Env1 := GetEnvironmentStrings;
  Env2 := PEnv1;
  if Env2 <> nil then
      inc(Env2, StrLen(Env2) + 1);
    until Env2^ = #0;
  Env2 := nil;


The GetEnvironmentStrings function returns the address of the environment block for the current process. Each environment variable is null terminated. The set of strings is double null terminated.

As alternative method, you can read a specified variable. The GetEnvironmentVariable function retrieves the value of the specified variable from the environment block of the calling process. The value is in the form of a null-terminated string of characters.

Published: March 27, 2000

See also
Metafile Convert
Clarion Viewer
ABA Database Convert
Excel Web-stream
SMMsg suite
Viewer for TNEF-files (winmail.dat)
Paradox Viewer
Fast Document Viewer
Word Web-stream

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