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#54: How can I get a name of enumerated value?

For example, if you have the some enum type

TyourEnumType = (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten)

and you want in run-time to get a string with same value for each of them (for example, fill the combobox items with enum values), then you can use the next procedure:

uses TypInfo;

var i: Integer;
  for i := Ord(Low(TyourEnumType)) to Ord(High(TyourEnumType)) do
    Combobox1.Items.Add(GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TyourEnumType), i));

Published: December 21, 1999

See also
Word Web-stream
DBISAM Password Recovery
Excel Reader (dll)
DBExport tools
Excel Web-stream
ABA Spreadsheet Convert
Protected Storage Viewer
Database Information Manager

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