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#51: How can I create a shell link (shortcut)? |
If you need create a shell link from your application (for example, from you setup app), you can use the next code: procedure CreateShortCut(ShortCut, Application, Parameters, WorkDir: string; SW_State: Integer; IconFile: string; IconIndex: Byte); var SCObject: IUnknown; SCSLink: IShellLink; SCPFile: IPersistFile; WFName: WideString; begin SCObject := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink); SCSLink := SCObject as IShellLink; SCPFile := SCObject as IPersistFile; SCSLink.SetPath(PChar(Application)); SCSLink.SetArguments(PChar(Parameters)); SCSLink.SetWorkingDirectory(PChar(WorkDir)); SCSLink.SetShowCmd(SW_State); SCSLink.SetIconLocation(PChar(IconFile), IconIndex); WFName := ShortCut; SCPFile.Save(PWChar(WFName), False); end; For example: CreateShortCut(ShortCut, Application, Parameters, WorkDir: string; SW_State: Integer; IconFile: string; IconIndex: Byte);
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