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#174: How can I found out if a computer screen is touch or not? |
I want to post the code for easy way to find out if a computer screen is touch (such as, for example, a Surface).
Also with this function you may check if pen (integrated or external) is active or device supports the multi input.
type TInputDigitizer = (idIntegratedTouch, idExternalTouch, idIntegratedPen, idExternalPen, idMultiInput); TInputDigitizerSet = set of TInputDigitizer; function GetInputDigitizerPresent: TInputDigitizerSet; const SM_DIGITIZER = 94; NID_INTEGRATED_TOUCH = $01; NID_EXTERNAL_TOUCH = $02; NID_INTEGRATED_PEN = $04; NID_EXTERNAL_PEN = $08; NID_MULTI_INPUT = $40; NID_READY = $80; var Value: Integer; begin Result := []; Value := GetSystemMetrics(SM_DIGITIZER); if ((Value and NID_READY) = NID_READY) then begin if ((Value and NID_INTEGRATED_TOUCH) = NID_INTEGRATED_TOUCH) then Result := Result + [idIntegratedTouch]; if ((Value and NID_EXTERNAL_TOUCH) = NID_EXTERNAL_TOUCH) then Result := Result + [idExternalTouch]; if ((Value and NID_INTEGRATED_PEN) = NID_INTEGRATED_PEN) then Result := Result + [idIntegratedPen]; if ((Value and NID_EXTERNAL_PEN) = NID_EXTERNAL_PEN) then Result := Result + [idExternalPen]; if ((Value and NID_MULTI_INPUT) = NID_MULTI_INPUT) then Result := Result + [idMultiInput]; end; end;The sample code: var id: TInputDigitizerSet; begin id := GetInputDigitizerPresent(); if (id <> []) then ShowMessage('Computer screen supports the touch') else ShowMessage('Computer screen do not support the touch') end;
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