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#167: How can I change the alignment for TButton? |
As you know, by default the TButton paints the caption in the center (horizontal and vertical align) But you may easy to change this behaviour. For example, the next code will change the alignment to right (horizontal) and bottom (vertical): var defstyle: dWord; begin defstyle := GetWindowLong(yourTButton.Handle, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong(yourTButton.Handle, GWL_STYLE, defstyle or BS_BOTTOM or BS_RIGHT); end; Or just to use the left justify: SetWindowLong(yourTButton.Handle, GWL_STYLE, defstyle or BS_LEFT); Just execute this code in OnCreate event for your form (where TButton is) The available consts declared in Windows.pas: BS_LEFT = $100; BS_RIGHT = $200; BS_CENTER = 768; BS_TOP = $400; BS_BOTTOM = $800; BS_VCENTER = 3072;
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