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#141: How save a file in BLOB and use later? |
If you develop a database related software, then very popular task is to save some files (documents/images/reports/etc) in some BLOB field of table and use these saved data later. In this tip I want to show how this task could be solved. To save a file to BLOB: blob := yourDataset.CreateBlobStream(yourDataset.FieldByName('YOUR_BLOB'), bmWrite); try blob.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); fs := TFileStream.Create('c:\your_name.doc', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try blob.CopyFrom(fs, fs.Size) finally fs.Free end; finally blob.Free end; To load from BLOB: blob := yourDataset.CreateBlobStream(yourDataset.FieldByName('YOUR_BLOB'), bmRead); try blob.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); with TFileStream.Create('c:\your_name.doc', fmCreate) do try CopyFrom(blob, blob.Size) finally Free end; finally blob.Free end; Using this code you can work with any database engine (BDE/ADO/DAO/ODBC/DBISAM/etc) and any file format (document of MS Word, spreadsheet of MS Excel, bitmap or jpeg pictures, wav-files etc)
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