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#128: How can I create an appointment in MS Outlook? |
Today I want to continue a serie of tips for MS Outlook automatization from Delphi. If you want to create a new appointment, you can use a code sample below: uses ComObj; procedure CreateNewAppointment; const olAppointmentItem = $00000001; olImportanceLow = 0; olImportanceNormal = 1; olImportanceHigh = 2; {to find a default Contacts folder} function GetCalendarFolder(folder: OLEVariant): OLEVariant; var i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to folder.Count do begin if (folder.Item[i].DefaultItemType = olAppointmentItem) then Result := folder.Item[i] else Result := GetCalendarFolder(folder.Item[i].Folders); if not VarIsNull(Result) and not VarIsEmpty(Result) then break end; end; var outlook, ns, folder, appointment: OLEVariant; begin {initialize an Outlook} outlook := CreateOLEObject('Outlook.Application'); {get MAPI namespace} ns := outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI'); {get a default Contacts folder} folder := GetCalendarFolder(ns.Folders); {if Contacts folder is found} if not VarIsNull(folder) and not VarIsEmpty(folder) then begin {create a new item} appointment := folder.Items.Add(olAppointmentItem); {define a subject and body of appointment} appointment.Subject := 'new appointment'; appointment.Body := 'call me tomorrow'; {location of appointment} appointment.Location := 'room 3, level 2'; {duration: 10 days starting from today} appointment.Start := Now() + 0.05; appointment.End := Now()+10; {10 days for execution} appointment.AllDayEvent := 1; {all day event} {set reminder in 20 minutes} appointment.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart := 20; appointment.ReminderSet := 1; {set a high priority} appointment.Importance := olImportanceHigh; {add a few recipients} appointment.Recipients.Add(''); appointment.Recipients.Add(''); {change an organizer name} appointment.Organizer := ''; {to save an appointment} appointment.Save; {to display an appointment} appointment.Display(True); {to print a form} appointment.PrintOut; end; {to free all used resources} folder := UnAssigned; ns := UnAssigned; outlook := UnAssigned end;
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