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#114: How can I load a file list by some wildcard? |
After small delay with tip posting I want to continue this important task:-) Today I'll post a small sample which show how you can receive a list of files from some specific directory by some custom wildcard. For example, to load in listbox the bmp-files from Windows directory. procedure LoadFilesByMask(lst: TStrings; const SpecDir, WildCard: string); var intFound: Integer; SearchRec: TSearchRec; begin lst.Clear; intFound := FindFirst(SpecDir + WildCard, faAnyFile, SearchRec); while intFound = 0 do begin lst.Add(SpecDir + SearchRec.Name); intFound := FindNext(SearchRec); end; FindClose(SearchRec); end; For example, to load bmp-files from application folder:
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