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#111: How can I create table in MS Access with DAO |
In this tip I want to describe how you can in run-time create a table in MS Access database using DAO. I used the next method in SMExport suite: 1. declare the variables: var access, db, td, recordset: Variant; 2. declare the array of consts with data type mappings (between Delphi field types and DAO field types) arrMDBTypes: array[TFieldType] of Integer = ({dbText} 10 {ftUnknown}, {dbText} 10 {ftString}, {dbInteger} 3 {ftSmallint}, {dbLong} 4 {ftInteger}, {dbInteger} 3 {ftWord}, {dbBoolean} 1 {ftBoolean}, {dbDouble} 7 {ftFloat}, {dbCurrency} 5 {ftCurrency}, {dbDouble} 7 {ftBCD}, {dbDate} 8 {ftDate}, {dbTime} 22 {ftTime}, {dbDate} 8 {ftDateTime}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftBytes}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftVarBytes}, {dbInteger} 3 {ftAutoInc}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftBlob}, {dbMemo} 12 {ftMemo}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftGraphic}, {dbMemo} 12 {ftFmtMemo}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftParadoxOle}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftDBaseOle}, {dbBinary} 9 {ftTypedBinary}, {dbText} 10 {ftCursor} {$IFDEF VER120} , {dbText} 10 {ftFixedChar}, {dbText} 10 {ftWideString}, {dbBigInt} 16 {ftLargeint}, {dbText} 10 {ftADT}, {dbText} 10 {ftArray}, {dbText} 10 {ftReference}, {dbText} 10 {ftDataSet} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF VER125} , {dbText} 10 {ftFixedChar}, {dbText} 10 {ftWideString}, {dbBigInt} 16 {ftLargeint}, {dbText} 10 {ftADT}, {dbText} 10 {ftArray}, {dbText} 10 {ftReference}, {dbText} 10 {ftDataSet} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF VER130} , {dbText} 10 {ftFixedChar}, {dbText} 10 {ftWideString}, {dbBigInt} 16 {ftLargeint}, {dbText} 10 {ftADT}, {dbText} 10 {ftArray}, {dbText} 10 {ftReference}, {dbText} 10 {ftDataSet}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftOraBlob}, {dbLongBinary} 11 {ftOraClob}, {dbText} 10 {ftVariant}, {dbText} 10 {ftInterface}, {dbText} 10 {ftIDispatch}, {dbGUID} 15 {ftGuid} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} ); 3. load a DAO: try access := GetActiveOleObject('DAO.DBEngine.35'); except access := CreateOleObject('DAO.DBEngine.35'); end; 4. open a database try db := access.OpenDatabase(yourDatabaseName); except exit end; 5. create a new table in opened database td := db.CreateTableDef(yourTableName, 0, '', ''); 6. add a field descriptions in table td.Fields.Append(td.CreateField(strFieldName, arrMDBTypes[intDataType], Size)); for example, td.Fields.Append(td.CreateField('ID', arrMDBTypes[intDataType], Size)); td.Fields.Append(td.CreateField('NAME', arrMDBTypes[intDataType], Size)); 7. add a table definition in table list db.TableDefs.Append(td); 8. open the created table in database recordset := db.OpenTable(yourTableName, 0); 9. append the new record in opened table recordset.AddNew; 10. change the field values curField := recordset.Fields[0].Value := 1; curField := recordset.Fields[1].Value := 'First record'; 11. post the new record recordset.Update(dbUpdateRegular, False); where const dbUpdateRegular = 1; 12. close a recordset recordset.Close; 13. close a database db.Close; 14. free a DAO instance access := UnAssigned; For example, you can call this code in some cycle. For some task is very useful.
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