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#103: How can I change a default font in IDE?

Each time when you must add a new form in own project, this form will be created with MS SanSerif font as default font.

Of course, you can save a some form in the repository and create a newest forms from this saved form or inherits this form from some own "parent" form but you have the other solution too - you can define a default font for forms. It's easy!

You must open the DELPHI.INI file (in Windows folder) and add the FormDesign section. In this section you must add a value with default font.

For example:

DefaultFont=Arial, 9

Published: October 30, 2000

See also
Clarion to Text converter
SMImport suite
Fast Document Viewer
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Viewer for TNEF-files (winmail.dat)
Protected Storage Viewer
ABA Picture Convert
Excel Reader (dll)
Paradox to MS Access converter
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