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#95: How can I receive a modem list, which is installed in Win95/98? |
If you needs to retrieve a list of modems which was installed in MS Windows, you can use the next procedure: function EnumModems: TStrings; var R: TRegistry; s: ShortString; N: TStringList; i, j: integer; begin Result:= TStringList.Create; R:= TRegistry.Create; try with R do begin RootKey:= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKey('\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Modem', False) then if HasSubKeys then begin N:= TStringList.Create; try GetKeyNames(N); for i := 0 to N.Count-1 do begin CloseKey; OpenKey(N[i], False); s:= ReadString('AttachedTo'); for j := 1 to 4 do if Pos(Chr(j+Ord('0')), s) > 0 then Break; Result.AddObject(ReadString('DriverDesc'), TObject(j)); CloseKey; end; finally N.Free; end; end; end; finally R.Free; end; end;
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