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#87: How can I send a command strings to printer? |
Sometimes useful to control a printer using direct command strings. It's a "DOS"-style but for some tasks this method is very useful. For example, the Epson or HP printers have a lot of internal commands which allows to change a mode of printer, define the some parameters etc. The everybody who tried to convert the DOS-programs from Pascal to Windows/Delphi, knows that the next statement WriteLn(lst, Chr(27) + '&l12D') don't work in Windows. You must use the Escape function to send data directly to the printer. View the example code which allows to send a command to printer: type TPassThroughData = record nLen: Word; Data: array[0..255] of Byte; end; procedure PrintText(s: string); var PTBlock: TPassThroughData; begin PTBlock.nLen := Length(s); StrPCopy(@PTBlock.Data, s); Escape(Printer.Handle, PASSTHROUGH, 0, @PTBlock, nil); end; procedure PrintOut; begin Printer.BeginDoc; PrintText(#27'&l12D' + 'Hello, World!'); Printer.EndDoc; end;
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