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#73: How can I receive the list of published properties of component (part 1)? |
If you needs a list of published properties for some component, you must use the GetPropInfos function in TypInfo unit. For example, uses TypInfo; procedure GetPublishedProperties(comp: TComponent; lst: TStrings); var Props: PPropList; TypeData: PTypeData; i: Integer; begin TypeData := GetTypeData(comp.ClassInfo); if (TypeData = nil) or (TypeData^.PropCount = 0) then Exit; GetMem(Props, TypeData^.PropCount * sizeof(Pointer)); try GetPropInfos(comp.ClassInfo, Props); for i := 0 to TypeData^.PropCount-1 do begin with Props^[i]^ do lst.Add(Name); end; finally FreeMem(Props); end; end; PS: I started to develop the component like Object Inspector for SMReport Designer. So maybe in some future I'll finish it...
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