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#68: How can I use a resident font for printing? (part 2) |
If you want to print a data on printer with max speed, you must print with resident font which installed in your printer. At first, you must receive the handle of font (using the Windows API's GetStockObject function with DEVICE_DEFAUL_FONT parameter). After that you must assign this handle to font handle of printer canvas. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var tm: TTextMetric; i: Integer; begin if PrintDialog1.Execute then begin Printer.BeginDoc; Printer.Canvas.Font.Handle := GetStockObject(DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT); GetTextMetrics(Printer.Canvas.Handle, tm); for i := 1 to 10 do Printer.Canvas.TextOut(100, i*tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading, 'Test string'); Printer.EndDoc; end; end;
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