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#60: How can I align a menu item to right? |
The Microsoft GUI guide not allow to change the align of some menu item but from DOS-time personally I like to align a Help menu item to right. But in some applications from Microsoft I saw the right-aligned menu item too:) If you want to align the item in own application, you can call the ModifyMenu function with MF_POPUP or MF_HELP flag. View example: uses Windows; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ModifyMenu(yourMainMenu.Handle, 0, MF_BYPOSITION or MF_POPUP or MF_HELP, yourMenuItem.Handle, 'yourCaption'); end; The altrenative method: var MMI: TMenuItemInfo; MyMenu: hMenu; Buffer: array[0..79] of Char; begin MyMenu := GetMenu(Handle); // Handle is the handle of the form that contains the menu MMI.cbSize := SizeOf(MMI); MMI.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MMI.dwTypeData := Buffer; MMI.cch := SizeOf(Buffer); GetMenuItemInfo(MyMenu, 1, True, MMI); // (..., 1, True, ...) means that help is the second menu item. MMI.fType := MMI.fType or MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY; SetMenuItemInfo(MyMenu, 1, True, MMI); end; PS: I'm not sure that this code will work on each Windows
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