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#57: How can I delete the row in TStringGrid component? |
If you worked with TStringGrid component, then you saw that in this component the Borland developers not provided the method for row deleting. In this tip I describe the few ways for it. 1. navigate by rows and copy the row contains to the prev row: procedure DeleteRow(yourStringGrid: TStringGrid; ARow: Integer); var i, j: Integer; begin with yourStringGrid do begin for i := ARow to RowCount-2 do for j := 0 to ColCount-1 do Cells[j, i] := Cells[j, i+1]; RowCount := RowCount - 1 end; end; 2. the modificated #1: procedure DeleteRow(yourStringGrid: TStringGrid; ARow: Integer); var i: Integer; begin with yourStringGrid do begin for i := ARow to RowCount-2 do Rows[i].Assign(Rows[i+1]); RowCount := RowCount - 1 end; end; 3. the "hacked" way. The TCustomGrid type (the TStringGrid is TCustomGrid's successor) have the DeleteRow method. But this method allocated not in public section but in protected section. So the all successors can "see" this DeleteRow method. type THackStringGrid = class(TStringGrid); procedure DeleteRow(yourStringGrid: TStringGrid; ARow: Integer); begin with THackStringGrid(yourStringGrid) do DeleteRow(ARow); end; Personally I use the third method but the first and second are more visual.
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