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#56: To play with colors

Sometimes in run-time you need play with colors. For example, you have the some color value and you want to make it more dark or light. The next two function were written for it.

function Dark(Col: TColor; Percent: Byte): TColor;
var R, G, B: Byte;
  R := GetRValue(Col);
  G := GetGValue(Col);
  B := GetBValue(Col);
  R := Round(R*Percent/100);
  G := Round(G*Percent/100);
  B := Round(B*Percent/100);
  Result := RGB(R, G, B);

function Light(Col: TColor; Percent: Byte): TColor;
var R, G, B: Byte;
  R := GetRValue(Col);
  G := GetGValue(Col);
  B := GetBValue(Col);
  R := Round(R*Percent/100) + Round(255 - Percent/100*255);
  G := Round(G*Percent/100) + Round(255 - Percent/100*255);
  B := Round(B*Percent/100) + Round(255 - Percent/100*255);
  Result := RGB(R, G, B);

Published: December 30, 1999

See also
Paradox to Text converter
Viewer for MS Outlook Messages
Paradox ActiveX
Database Information Manager
SMImport suite
ABA Picture Convert
Metafile Convert
Mail parser (ActiveX)

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