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#40: How can I read and set the some property by name? |
Sometimes you need to change a some property for each
components. Of course, if these components have a common ancestor,
then you can write: var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do if Components[i] is TyourAncestor then TyourAncestor(Components[i]).yourProperty := yourValue; end; For example, var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do if Components[i] is TSpeedButton then TSpeedButton(Components[i]).Flat := True; end; But frequently you need change a property but the components haven't a common ancestor. In an example above you can have a TSpeedButton's components and TDBNavigator component on same panel. These components have taken place from different ancesors and you must change a property as different. You can make following: var i: Integer; PropInfo: PPropInfo; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount-1 do begin PropInfo := GetPropInfo(Components[i].ClassInfo, yourPropertyName); {if such property exists} if Assigned(PropInfo) then SetOrdProp(Components[i], PropInfo, LongInt(yourPropertyValue)); end; end; Of course, if you have not ordinary property (like Flat), you need call a different procedure. The following procedures were declared in typinfo.pas: procedure SetOrdProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Longint); procedure SetStrProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: string); procedure SetFloatProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Extended); procedure SetVariantProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: Variant); procedure SetMethodProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: TMethod);
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