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#19: How can I get the printer settings? |
Today I continue to post a tips for printer settings. At first, you must open the printer device: At first, you must open the printer device: var FDevice: PChar; FDriver: PChar; FPort: PChar; DeviceMode: THandle; DevMode: PDeviceMode; procedure OpenThePrinterDevice; var Driver_Info2: PDriverInfo2; Retrieved: dword; hPrinter: THandle; begin Printer().GetPrinter(FDevice, FDriver, FPort, DeviceMode); if DeviceMode = 0 then Printer().GetPrinter(FDevice, FDriver, FPort, DeviceMode); OpenPrinter(FDevice, hPrinter, nil); GetMem(Driver_Info2, 255); GetPrinterDriver(hPrinter, nil, 2, Driver_info_2, 255, Retrieved); StrLCopy(FDriver, PChar(ExtractFileName(StrPas(Driver_Info2^.PDriverPath)) + #0), 63); FreeMem(Driver_info_2, 255); DevMode := GlobalLock(DeviceMode); end; And now you can get the information from printer. For example, the orientation settings: if ((DevMode^.dmFields and DM_ORIENTATION) = DM_ORIENTATION) and (DevMode^.dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE) then //Landscape else //Portrait Also you can detect a paper size, paper source, print duplex and quality etc. View a const description in Windows.pas. At last, don't forget to unlock a device: GlobalUnlock(DeviceMode);
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