SMAngleLabel component

The successor TCustomLabel with the extended opportunities. Is able to display the text under any angle. This component allows to change a horizontal alignment and vertical layout.
2K Last updated: October 11, 1999
D3-D2005, CB3-6, BDS2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2/XE3/XE4/XE5/XE6/XE7/XE8, RAD Studio 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11 Alexandria, 12 Athens Freeware (with sources): AngleLbl.Zip

TAngleLabel - 4488 bytes

In near future I plan to realize an WordWrap opportunity.

PS correctly works with Alignment and Layout properties. All other components which I saw before, haven't such possibilities.

Borland Software Scalabium Delphi tips

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