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#130: How can I use a procedure from dll in the Delphi? |
Today I want to describe a method of dll-using. Of course, for some advanced users this tip is not useful but I hope that somebody will find it as interested. In Delphi you have two mechanism of dll-loading: static and dynamic. - the static method is when your application will be failed when dll is not present. Inside of application you'll define a function as external and in any code you'll use a function from dll as usual "native" function. - the dynamic method allow to have a control under dll-load.
For example, you can check an dll-existing and show a warning if
dll is not exist (or try to load another dll, for example). Also
to call a some function from such Small example. In static method you must declare a function as: procedure ExecScript(UserID: Integer; ScriptName: PChar); stdcall; far; external 'yourDLLName.DLL'; and in the code you can call it as: and it's all. For dynamic mechanism you must: {define a procedure type with required parameters of your procedure in the DLL} type TDLLFunc = procedure(param1: Integer; param2: PChar); {assign a nil - not loaded function} const DLLFunc: TDLLFunc = nil; {handle of loaded dll} var DLLHandle: THandle; { load a library } DLLHandle := LoadLibrary(DLLName); if (DLLHandle < HINSTANCE_ERROR) then raise Exception.Create(DLLName + ' library can not be loaded or not found. ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); try { load an address of required procedure} @DLLFunc := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'ExecScript'); {if procedure is found in the dll} if Assigned(DLLFunc) then DLLFunc(5, 'LogToSystem'); finally {unload a library} FreeLibrary(DLLHandle); end;
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