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#48: Algorithm of CRC32 calculation for file |
If you need calculate a CRC32 for some file or some string,
then you must do: type Long = record LoWord: Word; HiWord: Word; end; const CRCPOLY = $EDB88320; var CRCTable: array[0..512] Of Longint; procedure BuildCRCTable; var i, j: Word; r: Longint; begin FillChar(CRCTable, SizeOf(CRCTable), 0); for i := 0 to 255 do begin r := i shl 1; for j := 8 downto 0 do if (r and 1) <> 0 then r := (r Shr 1) xor CRCPOLY else r := r shr 1; CRCTable[i] := r; end; end; 2. CRC calculation for file: function RecountCRC(b: byte; CrcOld: Longint): Longint; begin RecountCRC := CRCTable[byte(CrcOld xor Longint(b))] xor ((CrcOld shr 8) and $00FFFFFF) end; function HextW(w: Word): string; const h: array[0..15] Of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin HextW := ''; HextW := h[Hi(w) shr 4] + h[Hi(w) and $F] + h[Lo(w) shr 4]+h[Lo(w) and $F]; end; function HextL(l: Longint): string; begin with Long(l) do HextL := HextW(HiWord) + HextW(LoWord); end; function GetCRC32(FileName: string): string; var Buffer: PChar; f: File of Byte; b: array[0..255] of Byte; CRC: Longint; e, i: Integer; begin BuildCRCTable; CRC := $FFFFFFFF; AssignFile(F, FileName); FileMode := 0; Reset(F); GetMem(Buffer, SizeOf(B)); repeat FillChar(b, SizeOf(b), 0); BlockRead(F, b, SizeOf(b), e); for i := 0 to (e-1) do CRC := RecountCRC(b[i], CRC); until (e < 255) or (IOresult <> 0); FreeMem(Buffer, SizeOf(B)); CloseFile(F); CRC := Not CRC; Result := '$' + HextL(CRC); end;
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