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#2: How I can display the rotated text? |
With next procedure you can display the text with any angle. procedure AngleTextOut(ACanvas: TCanvas; Angle, X, Y: Integer; Str: string); var LogRec: TLogFont; OldFontHandle, NewFontHandle: hFont; begin GetObject(ACanvas.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogRec), Addr(LogRec)); LogRec.lfEscapement := Angle*10; NewFontHandle := CreateFontIndirect(LogRec); OldFontHandle := SelectObject(ACanvas.Handle, NewFontHandle); ACanvas.TextOut(X, Y, Str); NewFontHandle := SelectObject(ACanvas.Handle, OldFontHandle); DeleteObject(NewFontHandle); end; Angle is the angle of rotation in the degrees, clockwise. If somebody know how display the rotated text with wordwrap property, then send a sources or link to me. PS: I hope that you not forget that on my site you can download a freeware TAngleLabel component with correct layout and alignment calculations.
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